
This page describes the architecture of Aurelius Atlas.


The system consists of the following main components:

graph LR subgraph Aurelius Atlas subgraph Kubernetes subgraph Web WebApp["Web App"] end subgraph Backend ApacheAtlas["Apache Atlas"] Keycloak["Keycloak"] ApacheKafka["Apache Kafka"] ApacheFlink["Apache Flink"] Elasticsearch["Elasticsearch"] end end end ApacheAtlas --> Keycloak ApacheAtlas --> ApacheKafka ApacheKafka --> ApacheFlink ApacheFlink --> Elasticsearch WebApp --> Keycloak WebApp --> ApacheAtlas WebApp --> Elasticsearch


The diagram shows the components of Aurelius Atlas required to realize the primary data flow. Other components, such as backend services serving the Web App and microservices running on Apache Flink, are not shown for simplicity.

Web App

The Web App is the main user interface for Aurelius Atlas. It is a single-page application (SPA) built with Angular. The Web App is responsible for displaying the data stored in Apache Atlas and Elasticsearch. It communicates with the backend services using REST APIs. Authentication is handled by Apache Keycloak.

Apache Atlas

Apache Atlas is a metadata management and governance platform. It provides a scalable and extensible set of core metadata services for data governance. Apache Atlas is used to store metadata about data assets, such as definitions, relationships, and classifications.


Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution. It acts as the main identity provider for Aurelius Atlas, handling user authentication and authorization. All interactions with the Web App and backend services are authenticated and authorized by Keycloak.

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka is a distributed event streaming platform. It is used as the messaging backbone for back-end data processing and integration. Apache Atlas publishes metadata change events to Apache Kafka, which are consumed by Apache Flink for real-time processing.

Apache Flink is a distributed stream processing framework. It is used to process metadata change events from Apache Atlas in real-time. Apache Flink enriches the metadata events and stores them in Elasticsearch to enable advanced user queries in the Web App.


Elasticsearch is a distributed search and analytics engine. It is used to store the enriched metadata from Apache Flink. Elasticsearch provides fast and scalable full-text search capabilities for the Web App.


All communication between the public-facing components of Aurelius Atlas is secured with TLS. Authentication and authorization are enforced using Keycloak.


You have the option to integrate keycloak with your existing identity and access management system. See the Keycloak documentation for more details.